23 October, 2007

Where to begin? Technology has changed all of our lives
but has it saved us any time?
Once upon a time there was the humble typewriter where we typed up our catalogue cards, spine labels etc. Then put them straight onto the books. Now it is all on templates on the computer, with the flick of the fingers spine labels can be printed straight from the catalogue module - well it will once the I.T. people chat with the providers who then adjust the system their end, they the let the I.T. staff know it's compatible, they then reprogram the system, install a new printer, add the labels and voila spine labels are printed. AHH so much saved time!

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

I think I would rather scan books to borrow than go back to the old card system
The more we are able to do with technology...the more we want to do (and the more borrowers complain when it breaks down!!)
Keep up the good work
