04 November, 2007

#11 All about LibraryThing

I went into the LibraryThing site and once again had to sign up a membership, for free of course - just time consuming. I created a profile, chose my books, created a list and it all looked lovely. Once again I wasn't able to use the HTML code on my blog. So I kept searching and have added a search screen, all very excited but it doesn't seem to search my books or many others. Oh, I have spent a lot of hours this weekend trying to catch up so I think I will leave it as it is. Great site though.


Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

You can use the html code on your blog. When you create a new post there is a tab at the top of the post text/html.
You need to click on th ehtml tab, paste the html code into the box and then go back to the text tab.

Good luck


Myblog said...

Thanks Lynette,
This is what I have been doing. First of all I was receiving a message in yellow saying it wasn't correct and now it just doesn't appear. Very confusing.


Myblog said...

Hi Lynnette,

I fellow worker has helped me and I have my Librarything library added as a page element and it works, but it still won't work as a posting.
